Born January 3 rd 1969, Timothy Derek Dorsett is the third of
six children born to Charles and Madlyn Dorsett (Deceased).
On February 4 th 1994 Timothy Dorsett had a divine encounter with
the Lord in his home, where both he and his wife accepted Jesus
Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Not having a clue as to what God was doing in his life, he began
serving the Lord passionately endeavoring to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of God’s Holy Word. Pastor Dorsett served in many capacities at Calvary Deliverance Church under the leadership of
Bishop V. G. Clarke where he was also appointed as the President of the Counseling and Evangelism Ministries. It was at this point of his life where he began to find his purpose in the Lord while leading these two ministries; he realized that he was born to preach and teach God’s Word and to serve the church, the community and this nation in any Godly and legal way possible.

Upon realizing God’s calling on his life, he began doing courses in the area of these ministries where he served. Pastor Dorsett became a certified trainer in Outreach and Evangelism and did extensive studies in Counseling. At present he is pursuing a degree in Pastoral Care at the
Assemblies of God Bible College where he has spent the last three and a half years. Some ten years ago the Lord birth the vision of Trinity Outreach International Ministries in Pastor-Dorsett’s heart; he tried to ignore it but it became stronger and God began revealing more and more about the ministry. He could not ignore it any more so he got counsel from Bishop V.G.
Clarke and to this day would never forget what Bishop Clarke said to him, “Get your best book and your best pen and keep writing because you will need everything the Lord gives you concerning the vision.”

He did as he was instructed and wrote everything down and in November 2011 the Lord enable him to incorporate the ministry where he received the license for the ministry, and everything after that went quiet or at a standstill. He was glad as he never wanted to pastor a church, then
God did the miraculous for him; He opened a door for him to spend five weeks in Rome and Malta doing Evangelism and Missions work in July, 2015. On the 28 th July, 2015 in Malta I spent that day locked-in with the Lord and God spoke to me and said “it’s time to go; it’s time to start the work.” On that day he cried before the Lord and said yes to His will. He returned to Nassau and sought Bishop Clarke and told him what the Lord said to me and Bishop blessed him and released him. He also sought Pastor James Newry whom also blessed him and released him to do God’s will; hence Trinity Outreach International Ministries started on
the 27 th March, 2016 that blessed Easter Sunday morning.

Pastor Timothy Dorsett is the husband of one wife the lovely Sophia Dorsett and they parent two awesome children namely Unique and Tre’en.